Thursday, October 14, 2010
CAUTION: Addressing Issues May Lose You Friends!
Case in point: I emailed the parents of one of my 12 year old former Achievement Girls to let them know that some of their daughter's posts and pictures on Facebook were rather inappropriate for her age. I received a pleasant email back from the girl's father thanking me for looking out for his daughter. I noticed within minutes of receiving that email, that the girl had changed her profile picture to something more suitable but with the status update of "There, happy now? Go away and stop stalking me!" I assumed that her father had seen the bikini clad 12 year old in the provocative pose pictured on her Facebook profile and asked her to make a better choice, like a good parent would. I don't know what the conversation was like, but I know that I can no longer help keep her safe on Facebook as she has 'un-friended' me. I can only assume, which is dangerous I know, that her parents told her it was me who 'ratted her out'. I hope that her parents will take better care to see what their daughter is doing on-line now that I can't.
Had she been my daughter, there would have been a LONG discussion about appropriateness on-line and the constant presence of pedophiles looking for girls like her to stalk. Maybe I've seen too many "To Catch A Predator" episodes, listened to police reports on TV of teenage sex crimes, or have seen first hand what happens when a girl her age gets brutally raped. All I know, is that I did not want her to be hurt. And a pretty girl like her would be a major target for creeps out there.
As someone who was raised in a church with strict beliefs on immorality and modesty, it bothered me too, to see this girl going against everything she had been taught in church. As her former teacher in church, I KNOW she was taught these same principles and that she knows better. I understand that as a pre-teen and teenager it's important to fit in with all of your friends, I was there once myself and can understand the peer pressure. Maybe I was just different, but I did not give into the peer pressure because I knew what was right, what I had been taught, and what my parent would have done to me if I had gotten caught.
On a final thought, if she HAD been my daughter, she would not have even thought of posting such things on Facebook. Why am I so sure of that, you ask? First, she would not even own a bikini. Second, I would be "so far up into her business" on-line that she'd be terrified of me seeing anything inappropriate. And third, I'd be the one setting her privacy settings on Facebook since she is too young to be on there without my parental consent. 12 is not the new 21. 12 year olds should not be trying to be sexy, should not be thinking about having sex, or posting that they "are in a relationship" with a boy on Facebook.
Like I had said earlier, addressing issues may lose you friends and respect for those friends. Sadly, I think I have done both in this instance.
Tie A Knot And Hold On!
In my usual quest for knowledge, I have been all over the internet to self-diagnose my crazy symptoms and figure out just what the heck is going on in this body that is making me so "nutso" lately. You would not believe all of the websites out there willing to give you advice! That said, the general internet agreement is that I am 'perimenopausal'. Mood swings: check. Heavy and/or irregular menses: check. Hot flashes: CHECK! Headaches: check. Weight gain: CHECK! Change in libido: check. Short term memory impairment: CHECK (but that could be the fibro as well)! Yeah?!
That all being said, I should be happy to think the end is near, right? No more periods, moodiness, cramps, or hot flashes, yeah! That is until you keep reading all of the JAMA articles and realize that this process can start months, years or even DECADES before menopause actually begins.
Like the old saying goes: When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on! I'm praying for a short perimenopausal stage and a swift delivery into menopause.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
One Wasted Month
You wonder how that can happen, especially to me who is generally 'over educated' when it comes to the medicines I take? Simply, I followed the medical 'professionals' directions on how to take the medicine. Instead of reading the enclosed pamphlet or researching it on the internet like I usually do, I followed the advice of my gynecologist's nurse who gave me the pills. Ugh!
The nurse explained to me that I was to start the pill pack the first Sunday after my period ENDED, and thus I did. I trusted her 'professional' opinion and knowledge since I claim absolutely no understanding or knowledge in this field of study. I threw the enclosed paperwork/instructions/pamphlet away when I started the first pill, thinking I did not need to read it. I was slightly curious when I started my monthly hemorrhaging as to why I had so many pills left in my pack. Something was making me question it, but again I figured it must be nothing. I was following the doctor's orders, right?
So last night, as I do once a week, I refilled my weekly medication containers. I discovered that I was on the last pill of the pill pack the gyn had given me, so I opened the next pack complete with enclosed leaflets. As I was about to throw the pamphlet away, I thought to myself, "I might as well read it and see when the great changes I have been promised will start to take effect." And to my great horror, shock, surprise I read that the pill pack is supposed to be started on the FIRST DAY of your period, NOT WHEN IT ENDED. And on WHATEVER DAY OF THE WEEK your period starts not necessarily on SUNDAY.
Talk about being peeved and at 2am on a Saturday morning, it took me a while to calm down.
Not only had I taken the pills wrong for the first month, but now I could not even restart them again for another month as I was now into my 8th day of my period. To top that off, to avoid a possibility of getting pregnant during the first month of pills (as I was advised to do), my dear sweet husband and I had been abstinent. One month was hard, and now I have to explain to him we have to do this for another 2 months? This just is NOT going to work.
I will be looking for a new gynecologist in the next few days and this time I will study up on medications and procedures for sure. And while I am at it, I think I will bring up the hysterectomy issue in the first visit until I find a doctor who will just get it over with. No more pills, please.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Letter of the Law Vs Spirit of the Law
I tend to be the type of person who is flexible in my teaching/leading methods. I like variety and I understand that life can be unpredictable...for better or for worse. I respect the need for structure in life and at times even crave it in my own life. What I do not understand is how some people can become so structured and inflexible that they allow those around them to suffer uselessly from what I see as their own selfishness.
I had an instance last night where I allowed myself to become angry with someone so rigid that it made me question their devotion to God and his children. My anger stemmed from my own desire for that person to be more giving and accepting of others; obviously something that person is not willing nor wanting to be. And that right there is what I have to accept.
Just because I believe in following the Spirit of the Law does not mean this person will do it also. I believe in giving 110% of myself at all times, going the extra mile, and being in tune with the Lord that when he whispers "go visit so-and-so" I do it without asking why. I believe that nurturing the rising generation of our youth is more than a "twice monthly only" obligation and that when they have questions, I'm there to help them find the answer. My love has no limits, which gets me in trouble sometimes when my heart gets broken, but I always feel it was worth the effort.
As I went to bed late last night (after cooling off from the confrontation I had with that person), I pleaded with the Lord in my prayers to help me gain some sort of understanding. Why or how could someone accept the calling to be the leader of a group of sweet young girls be so blinded by her own personal agenda and selfish limitations? Does she not understand that this calling from the Lord may require more than a 1.5 hour obligation every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month? According to her, it does not.
The Lord, in His infinite wisdom, did not leave me answerless to my prayer. The answer was acceptance that she was placed in this calling to learn something but it may not be me who will teach her that.
Lesson learned: "Yea, some will follow the 'Letter of the Law' whilst others will follow the 'Spirit of the Law', and both are necessary to fulfil the 'Law of God'."
Friday, August 27, 2010
Who's That Girl?
I had that experience just this past week and I am still trying to figure out what caused it! I woke up one morning well rested, but not good spirited and the day just went down hill from there. I had a snarky remark in my head for everything and everyone, but had the good sense to keep it to myself. You know, as Thumper would say..."If you can't say somethin' nice...", so I did, EXCEPT to my spouse. Poor Paul, he got the brunt of it, but he also got one heck of a good laugh as well. See, I had somehow channeled my inner "Mean Girl", who, while obnoxiously snarky, was also rather humorous. The humor arose out of these awful things coming into my mind! I'm generally not THAT GIRL who says or even thinks those things. I felt as though all I could do was stand back and say "oh snap, is that really me?".
It was not enough that I was grumpy, but then to have such insulting remarks about everything AND everyone running loose through my head was just more than I could take. Returning home and 'hiding' was all I could think to do before I hurt someone's feelings. I judged my dogs, myself and my husband just as harshly as I had anyone else. OK, so once I was home I could make those judgmental comments out loud safely and not hurt anyone. And this is truly where the humor of it came out. I spewed out ever single smide remark I had about everyone that day, to Paul. Nothing and no one was off limits when it came to my opinion...from sitting behind Jabba The Hutt, to sustaining Miss Priss when I did not want to. It was not pretty!
The good news is, that within twenty-four hours this monster was back in its cage. I don't know where she came from, why she was here, or where she went, but I can vouch for Paul when I say we're both glad she's gone. WHEW!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Dog Discrimination
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Oh F-U....D-G-E...
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Parenting As A Profession?
The Only Time In My Life I Actually Want Surgery!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Oh my aching hormones!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Oh Crap, Not This Again!
So, we're pregnant again. It's annoying more than anything since I never get the 'fun' parts of it.
Oh, I get the all day morning sickness, the crazy cravings, roller coaster emotions, the exhaustion and that's about where it ends. I have not lasted a pregnancy past the 16 week mark*. Usually around the 6th week the crazy cravings kick in...burritos this time! I'm sleeping 10-12 hours a day which my Fibromyalgia body is unsure if it likes, and drinking Pepto Bismol like it's water! I am glad to not have the huge baby belly, the swollen limbs, and all the other uncomfortable parts of pregnancy that go along with it, but I do miss the excitement of sharing the great news with friends and loved ones. And you know, no one throws you a "Lost Your Baby, Sorry You Miscarried" party! Now, when I find myself pregnant, my first thoughts are usually "oh crap, not this again."
I had a very rough miscarriage back in December which had pretty much left me swearing off sex forever. That did not last long. I guess I need to back up a bit and tell you that birth control and I really don't get along. First, since I've already had a reproductive organ cancer, I cannot take birth control pills or any method which would mess with the hormone balance in my already messed up system. Second, I have allergies. Can't use latex anything and forget metal devices in my body. Both latex and most metals send me to the hospital with infections. Third, spermicide gave us both horrible rashes! So, at this point I have two methods left: old reliable 'The Rhythm' and non-latex condoms. One I can't remember how to use and the other I forget to use all together. Basically, I'm sunk unless I become celibate, which my husband reminds me....oh never mind!
So here I wait, which is really all I can do. I wait for the inevitable bleeding and severe cramping to begin, with Percocet and heating pad at the ready...any day now, any minute now for this to be over. I'm not sad over having miscarriages anymore, just looking forward to that great promise of Menopause someday! Ah, no more 'monthly gift' from Mother Nature, won't that be grand.
I'm thinking that maybe having a "Lost Your Baby, Sorry You Miscarried" party isn't such a bad idea after all. Who knows, you might get an invitation from me once this is over.
*(The one time I did hit the mark, I was very glad it miscarried soon after. The child I was carrying was severely deformed with an additional limb protruding from its chest and I was in terrible emotional agony over it.)
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Preparing for the inevitable
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Freedom For My Inner Child
Thursday, May 6, 2010
That can't be right...
Monday, May 3, 2010
Upper Lower Class
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
No Mam!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Talk At You Later
I used to have a boss some years ago that would end his interactions with me with the phrase "talk at you later". He was one of my least favorite bosses and for lack of a better phrase, a complete jackass. He was hugely overbearing, annoying to deal with, and thought only his design ideas were what I should be making. I would crook my head with a puzzled look whenever I heard him utter the phrase and fortunately he was usually leaving the store or ending our phone conversation when he said it. He was the first person, and until now, has been the only person I have ever heard say that phrase. I thought he was just ignorant or that he had his phrases confused. I thought for sure he meant "talk WITH you later", but now I am realizing, his phrase was more correct.
Lately I have been noticing a pattern in my relationship with my mother and whether it has always been there or not, I can't tell. She and I have a phone call everyday, and lately, I have noticed it has been more of a 'talk at you' call. One of us calls the other and I end up listening to her talk at me about whatever is on her mind, whatever happened in her day, or whatever she wants to talk at me about. Rarely she asks about me or my day, but rarely it does happen. A ‘talk at you’ call is one of the most boring, long and uninteresting calls you will ever have with another person. I have become quite good at playing online games, answering emails and watching television shows all while on the other end of a ‘talk at you’ call. I can have an entire thirty minute conversation with her and only utter about 20 words usually consisting of “Yeah.”, “No, that doesn’t sound good.”, “Oh really?”, “I guess I better let you go then” and “Good night”.
Today was one of those days when I really could have used a 'talk with you' call rather than a 'talk at you' call. I recently found a slightly painful lump in my breast during a self-exam, and had my gynecologist check it out for me. She too found the lump and agreed with me that it might be something that needs to be removed with surgery. Like every other girl I know, I just wanted to pick up the phone and call my ‘mommy’ and cry about my news with her. Then I remembered who my mom is and thought better of it. If I had called her, the conversation would have been more of a ‘talk at you call’ where she would remind me that it’s my fault I have a lump in my breast because…pick an excuse. When it comes to me, the compassion well has dried up, it’s empty and I am out of luck.
We did have our usual 30 minute phone conversation tonight, she did all of the talking at me, and she has no idea I have a lump in my breast. She did not ask about my day and I was never given the chance to tell her anything about it. Maybe our relationship is better this way. I don’t suppose I can ever miss what I never had before; a loving relationship with my mother.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Marriage Is Like A Crab Leg Dinner
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Wedding Anniversary #12
Monday, March 29, 2010
Easter Candy
Sunday, March 28, 2010
I've been a nurse. I've been a back-up singer in a band. I studied criminal justice in college for a semester. I've even worked on a municipal level with police officers who took me to 'the range' and taught me to shoot a gun, but I somehow never earned the respect or the permission from my mother to truly be myself. I spent a good deal of the time trying to be the daughter I expected her to want me to be, but yet it is still not enough. Never was, never is and, now I realize, will never be
With age, indeed does come wisdom. Many times we say that we 'wish we could have known back then what we know now' and our lives would be somehow different, maybe even better. I try not to live my life full of 'would have, could have, should have', so going back in time with that wisdom, it probably would do me no good. I believe experience is our best teacher. I can't say I ever learned more from reading something than I did from actually experiencing it. Even in my own life, I was 'told' how to do one thing and most times, found a better way to do it myself. My mother swears I have a hard head and that I am stubborn. Truthfully, I believe those are my biggest assets in this world!
This year, I have decided to take a MAJOR look at my life and see where I am. What do I want to be when I grow up? Where do I expect to be happiest in my life? Who are my friends? Who am I? What do I stand for? What are my personal boundaries? What is most important to me?
Here's what I have come up with so far, so stop me if you already know these things...
~I live in Raleigh, North Carolina
~I am married to my best friend whom I love and respect.
~I've never given birth to any children of my own, but I have bettered the children around me.
~I am perfectly imperfect.
~I am learning to accept my faults, accept my weaknesses, and accept myself.
~Money may not bring happiness, but more money can bring peace and quiet to my cellphone. (I had to throw that one in as I listen to the monotonous ring tone of debt collectors calling me up to 10 times daily these days.)
~My biggest support in this life are the friends whom I choose to call family, who support and love me no matter what I do.
~I am working on accepting that my mother will never unconditionally love me or accept me plain and simple.
Of all the changes I want to make in my life, accepting the fact that my mother will never unconditionally love or accept me is going to be the hardest thing I will ever accomplish. I will probably get a few more bumps on my head from banging it against that wall, but I know I can do anything in my life now, if I just let her acceptance go.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
I Don't Get It?
Being a good daughter, I devote an average of thirty to sixty minutes a day of my cell phone time to listen to her rant on and on about others short comings, her supposed poverty (total BS), and my loser of a life. I am reminded that my husband is inadequate as a provider, I have no children and that I am poor. As if I need to be reminded of this on a daily basis, and as if I'm not actually living it in my life. Thank you, mother divine, for the constant reminder that I am a loser in your eyes.
This year has been my designated year to end this madness in my life. I am no longer allowing her to belittle my life and affect my sanity. I no longer place value on the things she says, nor do I value her judgements of my life.