Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Oh F-U....D-G-E...

My GYN and I have a difference of opinion when it comes to my desire for a hysterectomy. She said I was NOT a candidate for the surgery given my young age (ha, 41 is not that young!) and with all the wonderful other medical advances these days, she would like me to choose another option. She made a few suggestions, none of which I am all too thrilled about.

I'm starting on some estrogen pills tomorrow to end the crazy spotting/bleeding and 'restart' my menstrual cycle. After 12 days, I am supposed to be on a whole new cycle and am expected to decide from there whether I want to start taking The Pill or have an IUD put in. Truthfully, I don't like either choice, nor do I feel like making a choice.

I doubt making a choice is going to get any easier as my hormones get ready for their monthly fertility dance in 12 days. I need to do some more research to fully understand the ramifications of my decision and options.

Just for the record, this sucks!

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