Monday, March 29, 2010

Easter Candy

Easter is Sunday, less than a week away. This week's Sunday paper was spilling over with advertisements offering every kind of Easter candy known to mankind. Chocolate bunnies, marshmallow eggs, jellybeans, and of course, Cadbury eggs. Hate those things, but they are THE traditional Easter candy. I'm a chocolate covered marshmallow egg girl myself, but I will only eat a certain kind. They are the cheap ones from WalMart, not Necco, not Russell Stover, but the ones in the styrofoam egg holder packaging for a dollar. Don't ask me why, but I love those things. I am sure they are artery cloggers, blood sugar raisers, but dang it they are tasty!

This is usually my week to shine in the candy area of my life. I have to tell you I am far behind this year when it comes to being stocked up for Easter. I generally make each child in my local church congregation (also known as a"Ward"), their own chocolate bunny. I use my own molds, melt the chocolate myself and make some 60-70 chocolate bunny shaped lolly pops each Easter. I take great pride and care to be sure they look at cute as they are yummy. I package them in clear plastic bags and tie pastel ribbons curled so perfectly to seal them. I even deliver them in a traditional Easter basket brimming with fake green plastic grass. As I said earlier, I am far behind in my Easter candy readiness. The good news is, our church is having their semi-annual General Conference on Easter Sunday, which means no one will be at church for me to give bunnies to. Sadly, that too fueled my lack of motivation to make said chocolate bunny pops.

With my lack of enthusiasm for Easter candy already this year, I have decided that this year we are going to celebrate Easter 'candy-less'. I don't mean full on NO CANDY, oh Heavens NO! I am thinking, instead of going crazy buying a bunch of candy my waistline does not need and my husband won't eat anyway, we'll do something different. Less candy, not a basket full. And I want a new video game for my Nintendo DS. Yes, you heard me right, 41 year old me wants a new video game for Easter. Even I am amazed I want it. Now you know, I've been married to my loving uber-nerdy husband too long when I want a video game instead of candy for the biggest candy holiday of the year.

I am trying to wrap my mind around the concept that I want less for Easter. Could this mean, GASP, I am growing up? I guess we shall see! Stay tuned!

Happy Easter!

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