Sunday, July 11, 2010

Parenting As A Profession?

While looking though the classifieds one recent Sunday, I discovered an interesting ad. The header for the ad read, "Parenting As A Profession!" and it was classified under Child Care in the 'Professional Services' section. This was not the type of job I was looking for that Sunday.

I tend to peruse the ads looking for a better job for my husband Paul on occasion, and for whatever reason, call it being in the right place at the right time, luck, or God slapping me along side the head, I noticed this ad this particular Sunday. I circled the ad, placed a question mark next to it and said to myself that I would look at the listed website and see what it was about LATER. Later became sooner when Paul asked me what I had thought about the ad.

I had my instant objections:
a) I'm disabled and haven't been able to work in almost 9 years.
b) The position is located in Hershey Pennsylvania NOT Raleigh, NC.
c) We'd have to move.
d) I don't want to take a job so Paul doesn't have to work (more on that later!).
e) Am I really fit to be a potential professional parent?????

After taking a deep breath, expressing those thoughts to Paul and trying to open the webpage unsuccessfully, I began to think of this too as a sign from God, so to say, that we weren't to apply to the job. It's a big commitment, it's a move, it's hard, it's...whatever else you can think of not wanting to do. Paul did the only rational Priesthood thing he could think of to do, he challenged me to pray about it. I was skeptical but I took on his challenge.

Tuesday morning, June 28th, I rose to the challenge and put prayer to the test. Oh heck, I pray about nearly everything else anyway, why not this? Within 2 hours into the day, I had already received an answer to my prayer and attempted to once again visit the website to see if I could open it. Guess what? Yup, the website worked just fine. All of a sudden not only did I have an answer to my prayer, but I also had more information about the Milton Hershey School than I knew what to do with. I started reading the mission statement, moved on to the Houseparent job description and began filling out the application for a job for Paul and I.

God and I have had many a chat about how this can possibly work for us. More than anything I took away from my prayers a peace and confidence in my abilities. God reminded me that my wonderful doctor, Krista, had the inspiration recently to change my medication and it has made my Fibromyalgia symptoms better. Our chats lately have reminded me of my capabilities instead of my disabilities.

We're taking a leap of faith here. Both Paul and I have filled out applications and we are both slated for telephone interviews this week. I look forward to the changes the Lord has in store for our family this year.

Here's the website of the job I'm talking about, if you are interested:

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