Thursday, April 1, 2010

Wedding Anniversary #12

I think it has finally taken me 12 years to figure out that a wedding anniversary is about celebrating the day you officially chose to be with the one you love for eternity, not about the gifts that poor sucker you married will give you.

Today was a really nice day of remembering why I married Paul, how nice it is to still be married to him, and why I'm not looking to trade him in for a 'new model'. It was wonderful to go on a real date to a restaurant where you had to dress up, have a reservation and be treated like an adult. I mean, yeah, Golden Corral has it's place, but you're not going to get a wine suggestion from a waiter there.

I enjoyed our dinner date immensely. Why, you ask? I think a large part of it was that we were able to sit, talk and actually enjoy each others company for a change. Usually, if we're going out to dinner, eating is the main reason we're there, not talking. Tonight was like a mini-remembrance of our dating/courting time before we were married or before life became more important than our relationship with each other is. Tonight was about us, not me, not Paul, but US. And it was great. I hope to keep the memory of tonight alive in my mind by continuing to cherish my husband every day for the rest of my life.

Happy Anniversary, Paul my love!

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