Thursday, June 24, 2010

Oh my aching hormones!

You know it's bad when you take kids to see a children's movie and you cry through it. No wait, I was really bawling my eyes out.

On Thursday, Paul and I took Katie and Melissa to see the Eddie Murphy film "Imagine That" at the Free Summer Kids Matinée at North Hills. I did not really know what the movie was about nor did I care all that much. When it's 98 degrees outside and the theater is cool, that's all that really matters, stay inside where it's cool. Cool, air conditioned theater for 2 hours, ahhhh. Well, it was tepid, not terribly cool, the back row of the theater was filled with popcorn throwing adolescents and we sat closer to the screen that I would normally like to. Add to that the movie back drop was Denver, Colorado. Going down the emotional, hormonal roller coaster, here we go....weeeeee!

About 10 years ago Paul and I were happily living our pleasant life in Denver Colorado. Paul had a good, well paying job, I had a good job, we had a nice home, nice car and our first dogger. We were looking to purchase a new condo and things were going well. We both absolutely LOVED living in Denver. We took every opportunity to explore all the wonderfulness that is Denver and more especially Downtown Denver. I worked in downtown Denver at a skyscraper on the 23rd floor overlooking the city and really enjoyed my job. Paul and I had been to nearly every great restaurant, festival, and site of interest Denver offered during our 3 years there. I was even in love with the weather there; ah the wonderfulness of no humidity! By now, I'm thinking you get the idea that I was in love with Denver, I know all the famous landmarks and sites and so you might even guess that seeing all of them on the big movie screen is what pushed me over the roller coaster hill. Down I gooooo....

The kids laughed at the movie and all I did was cry through it. The main character 'worked' in the same building I had worked in, went to all the same places I went to, even had high tea in the Brown Palace Hotel where I had high tea. I am still not sure if I missed Denver more that day or if I just had raging-out-of-control hormones, but nonetheless I was an emotional mess when I left the movie. Fortunately, the kids did not ask why I was crying, and I did not have to conjure up the answer.

Pregnancy hormones or missing my favorite place to live? We may never know which was the driving force behind the crying. Either way, I still miss Denver.

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