Friday, August 27, 2010

Who's That Girl?

Ever have a moment where you are just listening to yourself and saying "Who is THAT?" You start to blame hormones, the weather, your spouse, or whatever is nearest you at the time because, they all make more sense than to actually blame yourself. Hey, I'm not saying it's your fault, it could be any one (or all) of those things.

I had that experience just this past week and I am still trying to figure out what caused it! I woke up one morning well rested, but not good spirited and the day just went down hill from there. I had a snarky remark in my head for everything and everyone, but had the good sense to keep it to myself. You know, as Thumper would say..."If you can't say somethin' nice...", so I did, EXCEPT to my spouse. Poor Paul, he got the brunt of it, but he also got one heck of a good laugh as well. See, I had somehow channeled my inner "Mean Girl", who, while obnoxiously snarky, was also rather humorous. The humor arose out of these awful things coming into my mind! I'm generally not THAT GIRL who says or even thinks those things. I felt as though all I could do was stand back and say "oh snap, is that really me?".

It was not enough that I was grumpy, but then to have such insulting remarks about everything AND everyone running loose through my head was just more than I could take. Returning home and 'hiding' was all I could think to do before I hurt someone's feelings. I judged my dogs, myself and my husband just as harshly as I had anyone else. OK, so once I was home I could make those judgmental comments out loud safely and not hurt anyone. And this is truly where the humor of it came out. I spewed out ever single smide remark I had about everyone that day, to Paul. Nothing and no one was off limits when it came to my opinion...from sitting behind Jabba The Hutt, to sustaining Miss Priss when I did not want to. It was not pretty!

The good news is, that within twenty-four hours this monster was back in its cage. I don't know where she came from, why she was here, or where she went, but I can vouch for Paul when I say we're both glad she's gone. WHEW!